
We believe in using less fuel, cutting fuel costs, and reducing carbon emissions.

Corporate Sustainability Statement
Audit Logistics believes the manner in which we conduct our business is just as important as the business itself. We are committed to protecting the health and safety of our employees, community, and the environment. Our goal is that, through our influence in the supply chain, our customers and the local communities we work in will benefit from our efforts resulting in a healthy economy and environment for future generations.
Our business is transportation, warehousing and installation for the hospitality and retail industry. To make our goals a reality, we work to find innovative means of transporting goods outside of traditional industry practices, and encouraging means of transportation that reduce energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and fuel usage. In the storage industry we work with our suppliers to highlight best practices within their facilities and educate them on cumulative sustainable initiatives that exist.
Within our own community, we are committed to helping those in need by offering an avenue for our employees to donate time, services, and make charitable contributions during work hours, and at not cost to them. We also believe practical and reasonable conservation of energy, paper, and natural resources should be common practice within our office and organization.
Procurement of Sustainable Services Freight & Warehouse Management
It is the intention of Audit Logistics to procure transportation, warehouse, and installation services on behalf of our clients that support sustainable initiatives. We understand that in some instances, the most sustainable option may not fit the needs of the project, shipment, deadline, or our client’s requirement. It is our company policy when possible, to promote the utilization of companies that support sustainable initiatives.
Transportation procurement when applicable for the needs of the project and client;
We will work to utilize carriers that are part of the Smartway Transport initiative. When possible, freight shipments will be routed via these carriers as a first priority.
We will work to direct shipments to be transported via rail when time in the schedule allows, and when the commodity is identified as one that can be safely transported via train.
We will work with manufacturers that produce their goods in Asia to identify ports that are near the final destination. When the schedule allows, we will work to have containers shipped to the closest port vs. the traditional model of shipping into Southern California then trucking cross country.
Warehouse procurement when applicable for the needs of the project and client;
We will work with warehouse companies that have the ability to recycle cardboard from unpacked furniture vs. disposing into a landfill.
We will qualify each warehouse they do business with to determine if the warehouse has a sustainability statement or policy. When it is the case they do not, Audit Logistics will work with them to develop a policy and this will be kept on file and presented to clients along with the cost for handling the project.